Monday 5 July 2010

In-Class Task 1

My first blog, my first entry and my first assignment~

So these are the instructions:

In-Class Task 1
Create a blog with - check
Please answer the following questions for your first entry:

1. Please introduce yourself.

Assalamualaikum and salam satu Malaysia. Hello. Let me introduce myself appropriately. My full name is Syariman Bin Badrulzaman. I am 23 years old this year. Born and raised in Pahang all my life up until I was 19 years old. I'm currently doing my degree in TESL in UiTM Shah Alam. I have a quite personality but I'm aggressive if I needed to be, especially in what I want to achieve in life. :)

2. How would you rate yourself in terms of your computer skills and why? (e.g. expert, novice, savvy, geek, illiterate etc)

I would rate myself as savvy. I'm very fond of technology. Especially dealing with computers and software. I'm quiet good in graphic design, and editing things. I like to explore software. I've done many experiments regarding software; editing especially on games, because there's no harm there right? I'm also into gadgets. I'm a slow starter, but I master things fast.

3. What computer software and hardware knowledge do you have?

well mostly I'm into graphic softwares and editing softwares. Things like adobe photoshop, Macromedia flash and etc. I do games editing on pc-games that I like. I'm also into 3D modelling softwares. But I'm new in that. Other than that I'm really into exploring new fancy softwares. I love rainmeter for desktop. I think everyone should have it.

4. Have you experienced learning via the computer (online, etc)?

If learning through the world wide web such as Wikipedia and etc can be consider as learning than I guess I have. But formally I have to say no. Although during my practicum session I used a lot of computer in teaching.

5. Did you try to incorporate technology in your some of your lessons during your practicum?
Was it a success or a failure? If you did not what was/were the reason(s)?

Definitely a 'yes'. As I have pointed above. I used a lot of power point presentations, flash, videos, songs and even ESL CD for literature. I would consider it as a success as my students love those classes. They are more interested to learn literature when I used CD to explain about Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde novel. The reason behind this in my opinion is because of the modern age with modern kids. They just love technology. And by incorporating technology into teaching, they'll love learning as well.

6. What is your opinion on the use of computer/technology in language teaching?

In my opinion, I think computer and technology in language/teaching nowadays is a MUST. My mentor, Puan Yogeswary, who have been teaching for 25 years have also pointed out to me how technology have made a difference in teaching. She always recommended me to used the 'Bilik Bahasa' and the IPD room at the school to teach my class. Teachers must learn how to incorporate technology in their teaching or it will be dull and 'obsolete'.

7. What are your expectations from this course?

Hopefully to gain some knowledge on language teaching using technology and to get and A in the course. :)

Well, I guess that's all for my first entry. Cherios~ :)