Monday 26 July 2010

In Class Task 4 - JClose (relink)

I didn't come to class today due to my fever+flu. But I did read about the assignment from the blog and learn hot potatoes through the tutorial.

So this is my first attempt on the work:

Html file:

"Visit Penang"


  1. Syariman

    I'm glad you took the effort to complete the task despite being under the weather. Could you resubmit again and this time please submit the file in the html format. I can only view the exercise with this file extension. TQ

  2. I have resubmitted the task Dr. The new link is here under "Visit Penang". Didn't realize it wasn't html before sorry. :)

  3. Ok, good. The question on the number may not be appropriate. Is that a picture of Penang?

  4. oh yes it is actually. although it may not look like it hehe. I got it from Tourism Malaysia. 2009 was Visit Penang year hehe. Ty for d comment Dr. Taking note. :)
