Thursday 9 September 2010

WWW Lesson Plan

TOP 5 -The Things you want to do before you die.

: Form 4 (Intermediate - Advance)

Time: 60 minutes

Language Content: Reading & Writing, Gives Appropriate Explanation & Opinions.

Educational Emphases: ICT Skills, Creative Thinking Skills & Multiple Intelligence

Aims: 1. To acquire information through the World Wide Web browsers (e.g
2. Read and scan information from online texts
3. Provide explanations & reasons based on choices.
4. Respond and give opinions on other people's choices.

Moral Values: 1. Time management
2. Prioritizing

Technique Requirement:
1. One Computer per students with access to the Internet
2. A Projector and Screen
3. Facebook account for each student & A Class Group Page prepared by the teacher

Suggested websites:

6. "10 things to do before you die" article
7. Helpful checklist


1. Each student must register a Facebook account and join the Class Group page made by the teacher (Check
the student's registration)
2. Look for websites regarding the topic at hand
3. Gives ample explanation to the students before the activity takes place.


Set Induction (10 mins)

1. Teacher gets the class settles down and make sure each student (if possible) get one computer with internet access.
2. Teacher shows videos of Interesting activities from youtube, e.g:
1. Travel the world
2. Skydiving
3. Skiing

3. Teacher then explains what the students have to do in the activity.

Development (40 mins)

1. Teacher asks students to open web browsers and search for 5 Things they want to do before they die.
2. Students search on the internet. After they have come up with a list, they can fill a handout prepared by the teacher.

3. Teacher asks the students to locate as much information they can about their choices and (if possible) find videos regarding the thing from

4. After the student finish with their
list, they are required to open their facebook account and create a note, answer 6 questions (provided by the teacher) and post it in their Class Group Page. The structure is base on the student's own creativity as long as it answers all the questions.

5. One of the requirement is that the students answer the question "Who do you want to do this with?". This can simply be achieve by tagging (Facebook) the person they desire in the picture/text.

6. Students are required to give ample explanation regarding their choices for example concerning time, place, at what age they expect to be able to achieve that goal and et cetera.

7. This must be done in a form of a short essay and posted as note in the class group page.

Conclusion (10 min)

1. Teacher check whether all the students have post the task.
2. Teacher asks the students whether they had fun in the activity.
3. Next, teacher briefly explains on the importance of time management, and setting goal in life, and relate it to the task before.
4. Teacher make sure the students log off from their account and turn off the computer.

Follow-up Activity

1. Students are required to add another 5 items to their list to make it "10 Things to do before you die" list.
2. Teacher asks the students to check and comment on atleast 3 of their friends list back at home.

Lesson Ends.

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